(cover photograph direction: Dagim Abebe)
Reverse Nostalgia
Just ____ you ____ your ____ breath, You feel like you have been there, in the ____ life,
before take last after
after give first before
a blur of the ____ math of right and wrong. Calculations stuck in time- Déjà vu –
A mirror of the ____, not reflective enough, still, without light.
Just ____ you match into the ____ life, memories ____ hug you till they ____
before after do sink
after before do not swell
____ your mind.
out of
You find that the end is always ____ dreams – the art or the science of it
filled with
empty of
fast subliming into the breath your ancestors ____ right before they made love, and
the hearts mothers before your mother ____ ,
Just before you.
When a Storm Holds Your Hands
When a storm holds your hands
It takes you everywhere but home –
A dumpsite, a wasteland
To a house of bones, each brick isolated – an almost home
What the storm touches, it freezes
Your dream, iceberg underwater
The storm leaves you with nothing
Just hope –
This deadly thing, the sharpest bit of the knife
And you watch through hope’s eyes
The crumbling of time – destiny sinking into sand
Sand crashing against hourglass,
Glass freezing into shards
How familiar are you
With the undressing of the storm
Its permanence evident in the things it takes their breath away.
A surgeon describes it:
A flatline.