Before you, O’ Mother Earth,
Bring we our sacrifices of blood.
Blood from painful childbirth,
Blood from the monthly flow.
Out from the ground of dearth,
Our bodies are left to crud.
We are crushed and bruised, yet strong.
We are wounded and broken, yet standing tall.
We are frail and dying, yet we thrive.
We are in pain and crying, yet we survive.
O Mother Earth, why have you let us so?
We are so strong, yet we are so weak?
In our silence our voices speak.
In our absence, our presence is felt.
Before it happens, we feel it and respond.
After the umbilical cord is cut, it still connects.
We are shut cos it’s a man’s world.
We are hurt cos we shouldn’t be bold.
Gall is forced down our throats.
Midnight smoke is what our lives connotes.
Today, O Mother Earth, we perform our ablutions.
Hear us O, Mother Earth, answer speedily.
Before you, O Mother Earth
Bring we our sacrifices of blood
Blood from painful childbirth
Blood from monthly crud.
is a biologist, an educationist, a teen coach and a writer. She has a B.Ed in Biology Education and currently running her postgraduate in the same field. She is a lover of art, nature, science, poetry, photography and creativity. She is the founder of REHTSE Thinks out, a platform that connects Science to Art through creative writings, creative thinking, beautiful art and crafts and so on. She also anchors the REHTSE teen girls outreach, an enlightenment program for teenage girls and also encourages young writers through the REHTSE Writing Competition. She is very open to research opportunities in Science, Art and Educational fields. She can be contacted on +2348145645294 or