Of the tragic yesterdays
Were toxins in the atmosphere
Sores in the throat
Veils across nostrils
Stains in the blood
From the wave of the unknown
The stranger who enslaves our health
Of the tragic yesterdays
Were balloons like rod
Filled with bullets and shot into space
Hunting not bird
But lives of innocent men and women
Souls who only voiced for help
Lives who only demanded for justice
Of the black yesterdays
Were the kankara boys, Uwa and Nene
Floyd, Barakat and every other petal
Who got their voice trapped and their dreams reshaped
In the corner of far from light
In a place where growth is a crime
Of the black yesterdays
Were mothers who hugged the corpses of their children so tight
Fathers who dug their children grave like old serpents
Farmers who died tilling for their nation
Families who lost roofs and got separated
Girls who lost their voices and people died for justice
Of the tragic yesterdays in my land
Were tears of blood from pierced hearts
Falling like rain
Lost and pain engulfed the land that ought to be wrapped with joy
And for the first time, I saw peace moved to distress
Devil sat on the throne with a crown on his head
Humanity failed and I saw GREEN fading into RED.
is a budding poet/writer, a student of Lagos State college of health technology studying community health. She’s a lover of art and beautiful things. Her poems appeared on Loud Ink Home of Art, Word Press Poetry journal, and Al-miraatul magazine. Her works are forthcoming on Writers Hub (anthology of Independence) and Poetry Tuesday. Her pseudonym is Amina Bintroshiid. IG: amina_bint_roshiid. Twitter: Akinola51. Facebook: Akinola Amina.
I’m a poet I would happy if you can help me to published my poem
Wow.. I love your poetry
Quite fascinating