prancing around the crumbled walls
of Gwato,
we searched for answers
as dripping red torsos
leaked questions
from men on transit.
3,650 days
after the carnage,
& these refugee kids
are still hounding us
with those questions
yet unanswered.
we are not tired of relaying
the old sermons of peace.
not tired of feeding these kids
the lame tales of unity.
grieving kids who
hunger after justice.
is a Nigerian poet, writer and lover of real human stories. His poetry, inspired by everyday life experiences, attempts to speak to and for anyone whose shade of story is captured in his thoughts and writings. Some of his works have appeared in MAH Magazine, New Horizon Creatives, The Shallow Tales Review and forthcoming in Olongo Africa and Covid-19 World Poetry Anthology. When he is not reading orwriting, he loves to indulge in healthy conversations or enjoy the gift of silence. He can be reached on @umypaper.